MACVPR Business Meeting
Tuesday January, 2020

Baltimore Washington Medical Center, Glen Burnie, MD

In attendance – Tom Pagano, Debbie Lund, Terri Pilli, Emily Davis
Teleconference – Mary Beth Linthicum, Cecily Ludka, Terry Mapp, Mary Beth Stockman,Tina Miller, Kevin Richman, Stacey Blank, Britta Heiss

The meeting was called to order at 9:30 am.

Treasurers Report
There is $20,943.98 in the MACVPR account. As of the time of the meeting only 12 people have paid dues for 2020.

Spring Conference
The Spring Conference is Tuesday April 28th, 2020 at Shady Grove Medical Center in Rockville. Thanks to Kevin Richman for hosting at his hospital.
Vendors – Stacey, Cecily, and Emily are working on this.

AACVPR CEUS and Speakers – Tom
AARC CEUS – Stacey
Coordinating site logistics with Kevin – Courtney
Printing – Emily (folders, schedule, color vendor sheet, vendor sign off sheet ½ pg cardstock)
Brochure – Tom
Conference Evaluation form – Cecily

Speakers – Dr. Mahajan confirmed (pulmonary – Zephyr valve)
Other ideas – Integrative medicine, Women and heart disease (Courtney)
Heart Failure – Kevin offered speaker from successful HF clinic
at Shady Grove.
Secondary prevention – new ACC article. Multiple authors from
Hopkins. Tom checking on this.

Conference Logistics – save for follow up with Courtney/Kevin. Courtney provided
officers with conference check list.

Day on the Hill 2020

DOTH is March 2-3 in Washington D.C. Debbie reports there are possibly 6 Maryland members going. The legislative issue for 2020 is the Section 603 of the 2015 Budget Act
and if programs move offsite they have to use the physician fee schedule. In Maryland, this is not relevant at this time because we are regulated or non-regulated space and if non-reg space (offsite) it is already using the physician fee schedule.

Tom brought up 2 AACVPR Health Policy and reimbursement update e-mails. There was one on 1/14/20 about reimbursement rate for CR/PR/PAD and another on 1/15/20 on “direct supervision” clarification.

Membership Survey
Very few members participated in the membership survey. At least 3 programs could not open it from their work computers due to hospital security blocking it. We discussed how we could email out survey questions and gather responses (as it is not sensitive information in the survey questions) or try to send again as a Survey Monkey.

Courtney and her husband have been working to update the MACVPR website with some stumbling blocks to get all administrative access on the website. This is still a work in progress. Many thanks to Courtney and Alan for their continued efforts to improve the MACVPR website. We discussed if they cannot get the info needed that it could be worth getting a new hosting site for the website. Courtney was not able to attend the meeting so this will be discussed further with her as she was actively working to track down the website origins.

Per the MACVPR constitution: nomination of officers may begin in January, voting in March, and new officers take office in June. The Vice President position will be open as Courtney moves to President in June. Tom nominated Kevin Richman for VP and he accepted the nomination. No one else expressed interest in the position.

The meeting adjourned at 10:17 am.

The next business meeting is June 16th, 2020 at BWMC at 9:30 am. The March meeting will likely be a conference planning tele-meeting on March 17.

Respectfully Submitted by Emily Davis, MS, RCEP, CCRP

MACVPR Secretary

Membership Contact

If you would like to learn more about becoming a member please use the contact form below to send us a message. We will respond back as soon as possible.